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United Way > United Way Employee Engagement Summit

Welcome to the 2nd Annual Employee Engagement Summit!

This page is your virtual ticket to all aspects of today’s event. Join as many or as few of our sessions as you can! We appreciate you joining us today.

Networking, Welcome and Keynote | 8:30 – 9:55 a.m.

We’ll open the event at 8:30 a.m. for group networking before Paula S. Gilberto, President and CEO, United Way, kicks off the 2nd Annual Employee Engagement Summit.

At 9:00 a.m., Jonathan Villaire from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care out of Boston, also known as “The Employee Experience Guy,” will deliver a keynote showing you how it’s possible to drive engagement among a remote workforce by focusing on the employee experience.

Breakout Sessions | Block 1 | 10:00am - 10:45am

Best Practices for a Successful Virtual Employee Giving Campaign

Get tips and inspiration for your virtual workplace giving campaign. Learn about the resources United Way has to support you and your workplace giving campaigns and special events, from giving portals, to event sites, to pre-recorded videos! Ideal for Workplace Giving coordinators and teams.

Creating Meaningful Volunteer Experiences for Employees

Looking to do some teambuilding, a wide-spread employee engagement effort, or build your brand while making a difference? We can help. Join a conversation about how to best enhance employee engagement and retention in your workplace through United Way. Consider United Way an extension of your team in helping to meet employee volunteer engagement goals! Ideal for HR/CSR/Leadership professionals and Workplace Giving coordinators.

Race, Equity and Inclusion

The business case for racial equity and inclusion: Advancing racial equity is an investment in people and in our economic future. It requires investments of time and resources, for which there will always be competing priorities. As business and community leaders, let’s explore the critical importance of racial equity and inclusion in employee engagement and how that work advances and strengthens corporate social responsibility efforts. Ideal for HR/CSR/Leadership professionals.

Presented by: Geniro T. Dingle (he/him/his); Manager, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; and, Chris Preston, Vice President, Corporate Relations, from United Way Worldwide.

Breakout Sessions | Block 2 | 10:50am - 11:25am

Digital Giving Technology

If your organization currently works to drive employee engagement in philanthropy and volunteerism, or is looking to start, learn how to streamline the process with technology! Includes best practices around engaging employees to give in communities, the value of matching gift programs, and utilizing United Way to set up/manage/provide content knowledge for your corporate grant or philanthropy program. Features technology demos on Salesforce Philanthropy Cloud and MobileCause. Ideal for all.

The Key to Engagement

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are gaining popularity throughout corporations across all industries. If you’re looking to start or reinvigorate your company’s ERGs (especially when employees are working remotely), United Way’s networks for young professionals, women and beyond will spark creativity and engagement. Includes information through the lens of Race, Ethnicity, Equity and Inclusion. Additionally, we’ll share best practices about connecting philanthropic efforts to our personal brand by elevating awareness about causes we care about most. Ideal for HR/CSR/Leadership professionals.

Resources for a Better Tomorrow

You may have heard of 2-1-1, VITA or ALICE Saves … but what actually are these programs? United Way gives an overview of all of the free community resources available to those who live and work in central and northeastern Connecticut, such as: education resources for parents, financial wellness for employees, health and wellness opportunities and United Way 2-1-1 – the one phone number you need to call. Ideal for HR/School District and Municipal Leaders/Leadership professionals.

Conclusion | 11:30am - 12:00pm

Thank you so much for joining us today! We hope you found the sessions informative, helpful and energizing. Let’s gather together after the breakout sessions to reflect as a group.