E-mail: info@unitedway.org    |    Phone: 860.493.6800

The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service have officially announced that the federal income tax filing due date for individuals is April 15, 2025.

No-Cost Tax Preparation Services for Families and Individuals

Do you qualify for free tax preparation?

There are two opportunities to receive no-cost, quality tax assistance and preparation services: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and MyFreeTaxes.com. Choose your way!

Get help from an IRS-certified volunteer, if your household income is up to $68,000:

  • To make an appointment at a site in Greater Hartford, Enfield, Tolland and Windham County, visit 211ct.org/taxhelp
    • If you are a VITA filer and have questions or concerns, please call 860.971.4750. This number is not for booking appointments.
  • To make an appointment at a site in Greater New Britain, call 860.612.3983.
  • Get your refund in 7-10 days.
  • Save on average $200+ in tax preparation fees

IRS-certified volunteers will make the process easy, helping you get all the tax refunds and credits you’ve earned. Most appointments take 30 minutes to an hour.

MyFreeTaxes is completely free for anyone of any income who needs to file a simple return.

  • Prepare and file your taxes at MyFreeTaxes.com.
  • Online help is available.

Our United Way, in partnership with The Village for Families & Children, Human Resources Agency of New Britain, Inc., City of Hartford and a network of municipal and community providers in the Greater Hartford, New Britain and the Windham regions, connects hard-working families with opportunities to keep more money in their wallets through the VITA and MyFreeTaxes campaign. This is just one way we work with our partners to help local families become more financially secure.

More about VITA and MyFreeTaxes:

VITA helps individuals and families with annual incomes up to $68,000 get ahead financially, pay down debt and work toward saving for the future. Together, we are United to End Poverty.

IRS-certified volunteers interact one-on-one with clients to prepare and electronically file state and federal income tax forms at no charge.

Volunteers also ensure that taxpayers claim the proper credits including Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Education Credit and Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled. State and federal credits may add up to more for filers next season.

Filers will learn about other resources and benefits available to help them become financially secure and independent.

To make an appointment at a site in Greater Hartford and Windham County, visit 211ct.org, and click ‘Free Tax Help’ at the top of the screen.

How does VITA help families and our community?

Volunteer efforts build a stronger community for all of us because refund dollars are often invested locally, whether it’s for household essentials or one’s future, such as education.

Please join us in sharing information with working families about no-cost tax preparation services in our region.

Last tax season, nearly 300 volunteers prepared and filed 13,000 tax returns, which resulted in nearly $28 million in tax credits and refunds returned to central and northeastern Connecticut.

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