Services for the Elderly of Farmington: Medical Equipment Program
Fran, a gentleman in his 50’s, living in the Farmington Valley area was diagnosed with a glioblastoma tumor. Treatment for this aggressive form of brain cancer is primarily palliative and not curable – only 25% of individuals survive after 1 year and only 5% survive past 5 years. Fran is no longer able to work and his friends and family are trying to support him as he progresses through this devastating disease. Fran’s friend contacted our organization about our Medical Equipment Program to request the use of a special transport wheelchair. Fran’s insurance had provided a regular wheelchair, but it was too heavy and difficult to transport him in and out of the car every day to get to the doctor. Our small nonprofit was able to provide a transport wheelchair at no cost, including cushions, bed pads, packages of disposable undergarments, and other medical safety items to assist in his care. Not only do these items help Fran, they help his family and friends with caregiving.
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