Success Stories


Our Impact

United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut focuses on helping children succeed and ensuring families become more financially secure with access to health services and basic needs such as food and shelter. In 2018, we invested $7 million in programs and partnerships that benefit children, youth and families in local communities.

Resources were invested in programs and initiatives in order to:

  • Give children access to quality early learning programs as well as extended school day and summer learning opportunities.
  • Connect individuals with skills and training for jobs in our region as well as the financial services and supports to achieve their goals.
  • Provide access to information and referral services and immediate assistance such as food, shelter, disaster relief and services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • Provide access to health and well-being services, including: preventative healthcare; developmental screenings; healthy food; promoting healthy behaviors and income supports (such as, SNAP, WIC, and HUSKY).

Results by Region

Students improved their academic performance related to grade-level standards.

People filed their 2017 tax returns at no cost through United Way-supported programs resulting in $28 million in tax refunds and credits being returned to our community.

Callers to United Way 2-1-1 in our region received information and referrals.

Individuals received food supports through EFSP food distribution.