United Way is your partner in employee engagement. United Way offers workplace engagement activities that bring employees together to solve tough challenges. We have a large and trusted network of community partners which allows our team to offer unique experiences to fit your workplace culture and values.
United Way Year of Caring
- Half or full day projects held at a community partner agency\Great for team building
- United Way staff identifies the project and will work with your team to ensure that the day runs smoothly
- Sites throughout central and northeastern Connecticut
United Way On-Site Kit Projects: You can make a difference without leaving the office*
Kit assembly projects that support youth success, economic mobility, access to health and basic needs. United Way staff brings the project to you and your team at your workplace.
- Great for small or large groups
- Average duration: one to three hours
*Supply costs associated
Monthly One-Time Opportunities: United Way Read Alouds and Beyond the Bell
- One-time, no commitment opportunities
- Average duration: Up to two hours
- Read aloud to classrooms of students or facilitate STEM activities during after school programs
To learn more and get involved, contact Patrick Doyle at pdoyle@unitedawyinc.org.