Since 2014, Connecticut United Ways have come together to release the ALICE Report which shines a light on the economic vulnerability of many residents of the state. (ALICE is a United Way-coined acronym that stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.)
The 2020 Connecticut United Ways ALICE Report exposes the current economic vulnerability of many residents, who, in addition to dealing with longstanding financial challenges, are now also struggling with the economic fall-out of COVID-19: furloughs, job losses, and an inability to pay bills and provide for their families.
This year’s report reviews trends in the state such as:
We invite you to read the full ALICE Report.
ALICE families are one emergency away from a financial crisis impacting their ability to feed their family, maintain their housing, pay for utilities and afford medical care. ALICE works in essential, frontline jobs that are critical to our economy: the coronavirus pandemic has clearly demonstrated both how much we need ALICE workers and their financial fragility.
While the unprecedented human and economic loss brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbates the challenges facing ALICE, we know there is more we can do together to build a better normal with more equitable outcomes for all.
Because of your generosity and support, our United Way has been focused on helping ALICE families obtain quality jobs with opportunities for career advancement while also connecting people to financial education resources, matched savings opportunities and income supports.
Your contributions have also provided resources for quality, affordable childcare helping to offset what is the largest cost for a family with preschoolers. And, you help ensure that ALICE has access to healthcare and information and referral services through United Way 211.
At the onset of the pandemic, we mobilized quickly to raise resources to meet the basic needs of local children, adults and families served by area nonprofits. We also partnered with Connecticut United Ways on a COVID-19 Response Fund that’s provided direct financial assistance to individuals, enabling those who were laid off or furloughed to buy food and household essentials.
We remain committed to supporting ALICE and we hope that you will join us in building a better normal for everyone.
Interested to learn what percentage of your town is ALICE? View regional and town statistics.
Thank you to our partners at The Hartford for their ongoing commitment to fighting for ALICE nationally and locally and for their support in sponsoring the 2020 ALICE Report in Connecticut.
Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed – a household with income above the Federal Poverty Level but below a basic cost-of-living threshold. United Ways in Connecticut, along with United Ways in 20 other states have released state reports to shed light on the growing number of working families who struggle financially.
Get involved in helping ALICE households achieve financial security. [GIVE TODAY]
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