
Where Your Dollars Go

United Way is committed to addressing immediate needs and finding long-term solutions to challenges facing our community. We do this by investing in programs and services, leading community change initiatives and mobilizing resources and volunteers. We know that for many children, adults and families, recovery from the economic, health and learning loss impacts of COVID-19 will not be immediate.The pandemic has taught us the value and importance of taking care of one another. The goal is not to get back to where we were, it is to build back better, to a future with more equitable outcomes for all. That is what it means to LIVE UNITED.When you give to United Way, you are supporting a network of partners who are working together to meet the complex needs of people in our region, efficiently and effectively. ARE YOU READY TO LIVE UNITED? JOIN US.

How Your Dollars Make a Difference

$35 can provide food for a family for a day.

$40 can provide a young child with one book a month for a year.

$100 can provide a family with utility assistance for a month to keep the lights on.

$1,000 can help keep a family out of shelters and provide them with the critical support and services needed to remain in their home.