Services for the Elderly of Farmington
Meals On Wheels
Jeanette’s daughter enrolled her 96 year-old mother in our Meals on Wheels program to supplement her nutrition and enable her mother to remain at home as she aged. Jeanette enjoyed the frequent visits from our volunteers 3 days a week and the special cards and gifts they would bring with her meals. Jeanette’s daughter called the office regularly to thank Services for the Elderly for providing nutritious meals for her mom. After a time, Jeanette’s health began to fail and her daughter called to change her meal plan to puree her food in order to continue the program and allow her to see our volunteers and enjoy the thoughtful cards that were sent to her home. Each card was proudly displayed and shared with her daughter. Unfortunately, Jeanette passed away just a few minutes before our Meals on Wheels volunteer driver arrived at the house. She was at HER home with HER family and those that loved her dearly. Our small nonprofit strives to support those that want to remain at home and age in place by offering home based nutritious meals at an affordable income-based sliding fee scale. Thank you to United Way for supporting our Meals on Wheels program that has been in existence since 1972!