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United Way > Summer Smarts

United Way Summer Smarts

The Case for Summer Learning

  • Starting in preschool, three to four consecutive summers of quality learning can get children reading on grade-level by third grade – making them four times more likely to graduate from high school.
  • Summer learning loss in elementary school accounts for at least half of the ninth grade reading achievement gap.
  • High-quality summer learning programs improve school attendance, motivation to do well in school and relationships with peers and adults.
  • Regular attendance in quality summer learning programs is associated with positive academic and social development outcomes, including literacy, self-esteem and leadership skills.

United Way works with families, schools and community partners to make high-quality, education programs and services available to all – investing nearly $600,000 in summer learning.

Your donation is already at work in our community, supporting children in our region.

Last summer:

  • Nearly 4,000 children were fed nutritious meals;
  • Nearly 2,900 children participated in summer programming; and,
  • 75 percent of participating children maintained or improved their reading/academic proficiency.

This summer, we’re counting on you to help us serve nearly 3,400 local children through United Way Summer Smarts.

Together, we can build healthy minds and bodies.


Want to make a big impact? Click here for sponsorship opportunities.

Fill out this Sponsorship Agreement Form and email it to Bob Williamson at rwilliamson@unitedwayinc.org.