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United Way > Our Work > Economic Mobility > Workforce Solutions
Collaborative of Metro Hartford
> Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford – Initiatives

Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford achieves impact by convening employer partnerships that develop innovative solutions to address their workforce needs, with a special focus on promoting better opportunities for underserved populations, including young adults and female participants in the labor market.

We currently support three mature flagship partnerships with nearly 300 employer members – the Advanced Manufacturing Employer Partnership (AMEP), the Capital Area Healthcare Partnership (CAHP) and the Transportation, Distribution and Logistics (TDL) partnership.

The regional sector partnerships are convened in collaboration with our intermediary partners, Capital Workforce Partners (CWP) and The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technologies (CCAT).

In addition to supporting industry-specific employer partnerships, we provide leadership for system changes that make labor markets more effective. We focus our efforts on individuals that face barriers to meaningful employment opportunities, and work through the lens of race, equity and inclusion.